Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's already August

Oh My Goodness. I can't beleive that it is already August. There isn't much to report so far this month. Just getting ready for it to cool down. This heat the last few days has been almost unbearable. Shelby and Jake are doing good. They are in Sandpoint until the middle of the month. They sounded pretty excited to go. Sesha is growing up way to fast. She is quite the kidder. She is stuck on Spongebob still and in one way it is good because it keeps her entertained, but I am getting tired of it fast. Shane made her some movies and they work great except she has to watch them on the big TV because her DVD player won't play them.
The other day at day care she had everyone convinced that it was her birthday. They sang to her and the whole nine yards. They called me to find out why I hadn't told them and I said because it wasn't her birthday. They laughed and so did I. I can't beleive that. She was telling them that I made her a cake and she had presents at home. What an imagination.
She was pretty sad when she was told it wasn't her birthday. But she was over it by the time I went to pick her up.
So not much else is going on. Just hanging out on the weekend trying to get laundry done and working from home.
I will post more later this week. :)

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